Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Civility In Politics

     Samuel Adams wrote to James Warren in 1779, "A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."
     I am struck with awe each and every time I read the writings of our Founders. Their gift of foresight is truly amazing and their insight into human tendencies of those in power is without parallel. A nation devoid of principles and manners is doomed to destruction. I believe we're living through that destruction today.
     An example of this is President Obama's conscious decision to schedule his speech on the economy and job creation for the same date and time of the Republican candidate debates. Inconsiderate is one word that comes to mind; treasonous is another.
     Inconsiderate, because interrupting people is a sign of poor manners. It is worse than ordinary rudeness in that the President's interruption of the debate process is planned and deliberate. It is incredulous to believe that he could not find another time to deliver this speech, as indicated by The White House. (
     Treasonous, because he purposely scheduled a major speech to coincide with and to draw an audience away from an already scheduled political debate by candidates of the opposing party. To what end? I would surmise it is to extinguish - or at least quiet - the voice of conservative politicians. An informed electorate is an essential principle to the success of a thriving democracy, as Thomas Jefferson noted, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government." This is a clear move to keep the electorate uninformed. The President is calling us to listen to him, to the exclusion of conservative presidential conteders' voices. He endeavors to keep us ignorant of our choices, and this is an attack on the most fundamental principle of - and right to - self government. That, my fella 'mericans, is treason.
     As Samuel Adams foretold, our democracy is under attack. Shockingly, it is not from without but from within. As the newspeak and revisionist history, a la George Orwell, becomes a daily pursuit of the President's administration, it is concerning to consider that we are being led down a road to bondage. Our rights are being eroded. Promised transparency is an illusion, and no matter how many times President Obama states his is the most transparent government in our history, it doesn't make it so. Actions, sir, speak louder than words.
     We are, my friends, in a race. The finish line is less than two years in the distance. The contestants are two: President Obama and individual liberty. Let us hope liberty outlasts Obama.

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