Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Peek-A-Boo, I See You: In the Nude, and In Public

     In an effort to protect us, the government has awarded a grant to the San Francisco bus system to install real-time cameras on busses. O.K., no big deal, right? There were cameras there before, but not cameras that monitor citizens in real time and not cameras that utilize X-ray and infrared technology to conduct full body scans that effectively show images of riders' naked bodies. (
     San Fran, as it is commonly known, is a bastion of liberalism and a huge area of support for Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and the like. They're friends - comrades, if you will. What are friendships based on? Trust. Is the installation of these spy cams the act of a trusting friend? I'd say no.
     As a citizen in the heartland, you know, the one's that Mr. Obama described as clinging to guns and religion, I am deeply concerned. If he's taking these Orwellian steps in San Francisco, against people he presumably trusts, what steps is he taking against us, the people he sees as enemies of progress? I'm just asking the question; and it's a question that does not seem unreasonable to me.
     These videos are transmitted via the internet to the bus stations in San Francisco. The videos are stored electronically. Remember, once something goes electronic and online, it never goes away. Think about this, too, the security of your images (facial and full body scans) are only as secure as the security measures put in place by the government. See for yourself how good the government is at securing data. (
     The bottom line is that our own government now sees us, the free men and women of America, as threats. They are, just like Orwell envisioned in 1984 (, watching us, tracking us. To what end? It's worth asking the question. Is public safety and national security the true reason? The government's track record in honesty with the American people does not inspire confidence. Also, how secure are the data they're collecting. Again, there's not much confidence in their capabilities in that arena. Sure, this could be a tin-foil-hat day for me, but I don't really think so.

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